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Free video - Felis Sylvestris Lybica

Many of your cat’s behaviours and needs are still deeply rooted in their wild ancestors, the Felis Sylvestris Lybica—the North African Wild Cat. Even though our cats now live in cozy modern homes, their instincts remain the same as those of their wild counterparts.

As a cat behaviorist, I’m always amazed by how much our domesticated cats have in common with their ancient ancestors. Understanding these natural instincts is key to decoding your cat’s everyday behaviours.

I’ve put together a short video that explains these ancestral traits in more detail and how they shape your cat’s behaviours today. In this video, you’ll discover how your cat’s wild side still influences their needs, and how you can create an environment that helps them thrive—even in a modern home.

This video is a part of the Cat Wheel, which is a part of our Happy Cat Coach Program.

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